5691 SW 102nd Ave, Miami, FL 33173

About the Founder, Swami Jyotirmayananda

Swami Jyotirmayananda was incarnated on February 3, 1931, in the state of Bihar, India, a northern province sanctified by Buddha. In 1953, Swamiji, or “Gurudev” as he is lovingly referred to, embraced the eternal order of sanyasa at age 22, as a direct disciple of His Holiness Swami Sivananda Saraswati Maharaj, the world’s preeminent spiritual master and founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India. In tireless service to his spiritual preceptor, Gurudev taught at the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy giving lectures on the Upanishads, Yoga Vasistha, Raja Yoga and other scriptures of Yoga. Gurudev also handled all of Swami Sivananda’s correspondence, translated many of his books into Hindi and served as the Chief Editor of the Yoga Vedanta Journal. 

Gurudev’s transcendental command of spiritual knowledge and dynamic expositions attracted enormous interest from aspirants worldwide. After many requests, Swami Jyotirmayananda came to the West in 1962 to spread the knowledge of Yoga Vedanta, setting up his first ashram in Puerto Rico. In 1969, he established the ashram in Miami, Florida, which has become the center for international activities, publications and teachings of the Yoga Research Foundation  Later in 1985, Gurudev established the International Yoga Society to serve a worldwide audience and Divya Jyotir School for children in New Delhi, India. In 2000, the Jyotirmayananda Ashram and Vocational Training Center for abused and neglected women was established in Bihar. Then in 2006, the Lalita Jyoti Anananthalaya orphanage and school for young girls opened its doors in Sonipat. These institutions in India and the United States are serving the community by offering regular satsanga, Yoga classes and camps, published and translated writings, and operating free medical clinics for the marginalized and underserved populations. ​Throughout all of this, he also wrote and published over 50 books on various aspects of vedantic and yogic philosophy.
Today, Swami Jyotirmayananda, age 93, living saint and sage, occupies the highest place among men of wisdom. He is recognized as the foremost proponent of Integral Yoga, the synthesis of the Yoga tradition into a comprehensive plan of personality integration. Through discipleship, blessings and darshan, lectures, courses, books and the monthly International Yoga Guide magazine, Sri Gurudev continues to share the richness of his boundless knowledge of the great scriptures of India and the world – inspiring spiritual seekers everywhere to attain the true goal of life – Enlightenment.
yoga at the integral yoga center miami florida