5691 SW 102nd Ave, Miami, FL 33173

For detail information about the Teachers Training Course, click here to download the PDF

Grow Your Spirit with Our Amazing Classes

Integral Yoga Center - Going beyond the mind, body and spirit

asanas wise yogis center for integral yoga


Physical postures in yoga, cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance in the body, promoting overall well-being.

pranayam yogis center for integral yoga


Breath control techniques, harness the power of breath to calm the mind, increase energy, and enhance mental clarity. Class held at the Ashram.

wise yogis meditating center for integral yoga


A practice of mindfulness and presence, cultivates inner peace, reduces stress, and fosters a deeper connection with oneself and the world. Class held at the Ashram.

wise yogis center for integral yoga


The essence of yoga philosophy, offers timeless insights into living a meaningful and harmonious life, guiding practitioners on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.
